DigiByte (DGB) boasts more potential as a blockchain than do most of the altcoins in today’s market. It has also been among the most highly underrated and misunderstood digital assets. The reason is that DGB historically chose to concentrate all of its efforts on the project’s technical elements. This meant that they spent a limited amount of effort and time on marketing campaigns.
The company finally decided to address this weakness by creating the DigiByte awareness team. Now their prospects have greatly increased. A greater number of the cryptocurrency exchanges are beginning to list DGB. Merchants are accepting it more and more.
Among the greatest unsung announcements on DigiByte is the fact that Amazon gift cards now will accept it. The bookcoin website makes it clear that anyone can purchase Amazon gift cards by utilizing DGB for payment. This is a significant development for DigiByte. The majority of digital asset companies are vying for the endorsement and acceptance of a legendary institution like Amazon.
The hope for DigiByte today is that Amazon will accept it as a form of payment on its general website. If and when this happens, the price will explode higher. Not only would Amazon’s acceptance mean vast transaction volume for DGB, it would increase chances of other companies adopting it.
The Technical Aspect of DGB Is Practically Perfect
Looking at DigiByte from a technological perspective, the cryptocurrency boasts leading advances technically. The company developed it over four long years. Nearly all of the facets of it are perfect. One example is the security of DGB. DigiByte is among the most secure digital assets anywhere. Hacking DGB is nearly impossible. This is not the case with Bitcoin Gold (BTG) or Verge (XVG).
Another advantage technically for DGB is its speed of processing. Compared to BTC, LTC and other top ten market cap altcoins, DigiByte is simply faster. Speeds of transaction are a critical component in the future survivability of digital assets. This makes DGB’s prospects for market share gains huge.
The best altcoins are the ones that will survive. Many others are simply going to fail. Some call this the coming “altcoin apocalypse.” Whenever a great number of the cryptocurrency projects eventually fail, DGB will be one that is still standing strong.
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